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Search results

  1. route128

    Beautiful new Gentian Blue / Bordeaux Red Macan Turbo EV Delivered Monday (NH)

    This is one VERY sweet ride with a lot of get up and GO! :like: I do think it is odd that nowhere on the outside of the car does it say "Macan" only "Turbo" on the back and sides. I wonder if I messed up the order? The sales rep says no, that is just the way they come. A little frustrated that...
  2. route128

    EV Turbo Delivered to Dealer Finally (Rhode Island)!

    EV Turbo I ordered the beginning of March was just dropped off at the local dealer. It's been sitting in a Porsche parking lot at their port of entry in Davisville Rhode Island since the end of July and now finally here! There is now a light at the end of the tunnel!