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Search results

  1. Air suspension setting - best mode for overnight / long term parking?

    guys, does it matter what setting you choose for air suspension when you park it overnight or longer stay? is there any "healthiest" mode; normal or lowered?
  2. Just received my 4S Macan EV in Slate Grey Neo -- first impressions

    FIRST IMPRESSIONS AFTER 1 day and 150km: POWER: accurate. I had a chance to drive 4 and Turbo a few days ago and 4 lacks a bit for me while Turbo is quite OK :) . This 4S is slightly less than Turbo but still quite what I need to feel sick from time to time. Quite happy with the choice...
  3. Macan EV 4S - sweet spot?

    Waiting for my macan 4s delivery - mid November. But I had a chance to drive Macan 4 and Turbo recenty. First impression of 4: slightly (just a little bit) to little power comparing to this weight... Maybe I was biased since the day before I drove 911 GT3:-). Turbo: just perfect. I did not want...
