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Search results

  1. Tyre Pressure Monitoring System same as other Porsches?

    Is the Tyre Pressure Monitoring system (TPMS) on the Macan 4EV the same as in other Porsches?
  2. Will winter wheels & tyres TPMS from Taycan Cross Turismo work on Macan 4EV?

    Fitted the winter wheels and tyres from our Taycan onto the new Macan 4 EV and it won’t communicate with the TOMS sensors. It goes through the calibration procedure but never hooks up even after 50 miles. Visied the local Porsche dealer for help and after much head scratching they informed that...
  3. Best Jacking pad?

    What’s the best jacking pad for the Macan EV? Is it the same as the ICE Macan?
